Authentication Services

ColdBox security can work with ANY authentication service provider.

You can register ANY authentication provider with cbsecurity by using the authenticationService setting. The value must be a valid WireBox Id and the object must adhere to the following interface. The authentication services can be used in conjunction with our JWT services and more features coming in the future.

// CB Security
cbSecurity : {
    // The WireBox ID of the authentication service to use in cbSecurity which must adhere to the cbsecurity.interfaces.IAuthService interface.
    "authenticationService" : "authenticationService@cbauth"

Please note that cbauth already implements this interface and is included with cbsecurity as a dependency.

If you are using cbauth as your authenticationService (the default), you also need to configure cbauth.

Authentication Service Interface

This interface has been provided by convenience and it is not mandatory at runtime (cbsecurity.interfaces.IAuthService)

 * Copyright since 2016 by Ortus Solutions, Corp
 * ---
 * If you register an authentication service with cbsecurity it must adhere to this interface

     * Get the authenticated user
	   * @throws NoUserLoggedIn : If the user is not logged in
     * @return User that implements IAuthUser
    any function getUser();

     * Verifies if a user is logged in
    boolean function isLoggedIn();

     * Try to authenticate a user into the system. If the authentication fails an exception is thrown, else the logged in user object is returned
     * @username The username to log in with
     * @password The password to log in with
     * @throws InvalidCredentials
	   * @return User : The logged in user object
    any function authenticate( required username, required password );

  	 * Login a user into our persistent scopes
  	 * @user The user object to log in
  	 * @return The same user object so you can do functional goodness
    function login( required user );

     * Logs out the currently logged in user from the system
    function logout();


You can find the information for cbauth in its own book:

If you are using cbauth as your authenticationService (the default), you also need to configure cbauth.

User Interface

As you can see from above, the authentication services all expect a User object to model your user in the system. So your User object must also adhere to the following methods modeled by the cbsecurity.interfaces.IAuthUser interface. This will allow the validators and JWT services to get the appropriate data it needs.


     * Return the unique identifier for the user
    function getId();

     * Verify if the user has one or more of the passed in permissions
     * @permission One or a list of permissions to check for access
    boolean function hasPermission( required permission );


User Services

If you will be using cbauth or any of our JWT features, then we will also require you register a user service class that can provide us with the right data to encapsulate security using the userService setting. We have provided this interface for your usage:


     * Verify if the incoming username/password are valid credentials.
     * @username The username
     * @password The password
    boolean function isValidCredentials( required username, required password );

     * Retrieve a user by username
     * @return User that implements JWTSubject and/or IAuthUser
    function retrieveUserByUsername( required username );

     * Retrieve a user by unique identifier
     * @id The unique identifier
     * @return User that implements JWTSubject and/or IAuthUser
    function retrieveUserById( required id );

If using cbauth, you also have to specify the UserServiceClass key in the cbauth module settings.

Remember that the User Service setting is only required if you will be using JWT token security

Last updated

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